Second Sundays Andover

Marketing the Overspill project

Andover and its surrounding towns and villages are filled with talent. Second Sundays brings together the best of Hampshire and the South-West, with something for everyone. On the second Sunday of every month seasonal food and drink producers, design-makers and artists, workshops and musicians are brought together in Andover town centre.

On Sunday 14 April 2024 Second Sundays went film themed. To raise awareness of our current community engagement project, Andover: An Overspill Story, we pitched up and celebrated Andover’s screen heritage with locals.

Our vibrate stall, showreel of archive film capturing Andover across the twentieth century and activities for the whole family meant that we interacted with many different people – locals and those from further afield. Children – young and old – especially enjoyed having a play with some of our old cine cameras!

Some shared their memories and stories of Andover’s history and heritage while others were keen to create new content that captures the Andover of today. One of our motives is to ensure that we have good quality representative footage of our lives in the town now. Locals learnt that there are many ways that they can contribute to the archive, and not all involve handing over precious documents.

We are looking for people to submit films from their life in Andover. This doesn’t necessarily mean new material – it can be things that you’ve already filmed on your phone. If you have a story to tell (or even a fragment of a story) we would love to hear from you!

With the film, photographs and memories collected as a result of this project, we hope to be able to bring many more events like this to Andover and its communities.

This event was part of a series of events that will be happening over the course of this year to support our project, Andover: An Overspill Story. This is a 12-month community project created with the support of the British Film Institute, awarding funds from the National Lottery to help develop our collections. At these events, we strive to engage communities with WFSA content, start a dialogue with individuals about their heritage and break down the barriers to accession for communities currently under-represented in archives and heritage. For information about future events, please use this link.

If you would like to support the project, please use our contact form or email:

*Unless specified, the images included in this post are the author’s own.

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